Electrical engineering is a discipline of
science that is very broad and has the fastest development level in several dakade this when compared with other disciplines. This is due to the increasing number of market demand for the technological developments from this field which have an impact on the increasing of various research in the field of electro and also supported by the growth of electro industry and requirement in decades.
Hans Christian Orsted
The development of the science of electro started from the discovery of the relationship between magnetic field and
electrical energy by Hans
Christian Orsted in 1820 that the electrically grounded wire can reject the compass needle magnet. However, Osrted does not offer a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon. Nor did he attempt to present the phenomenon in a magnetic framework. A month after the discovery of Orsted spread in Paris, two French scientists Jean Baptise Biot and Felix Savart managed to determine the shape of the magnetic field generated by a stable electrical current. The experiment was later known as the Biot-Savart law.
Michael Faraday
The discovery of
the electromagnetic field then continues in the study of
Michael Faraday who invented the Electric Motion Style based on his research on the effects of changes in the magnetic field in the coil that causes the emergence of a potential difference at the end of the coil. Michael Faraday discovered the effect of this magnetic induction in 1831. Although his discovery was almost simultaneous with the invention of Joseph Henry, many of the scientists and students of electro admitted Michael Faraday as the Founder of Electricity.
Basically Michael Faraday has invented the first electric power generation and electric motor technique through his experimental results. In that experiment he uses a magnet that is moved in and out through the coil to produce a potential electric difference at the ends of the coil.