Earth is one of the planets in the solar system. Earth consists of various layers that make up the earth. the deepest layers of the earth are called the earth's core. and the uppermost layer of the earth is called the earth's crust. Earth's crust is the living place for all living things on earth. Earth's crust is the surface of the earth. the surface of the earth has different surface reliefs.
The relief causes the earth to have many ecosystems. The earth is divided into two large areas, namely sea and land. Each region has different reliefs. Each relief gives birth to an ecosystem with its own distinctive features. As with oceans, the relief on the seabed is divided by depth. And each depth represents a different habitat. While on land, diverse as land and water. Examples of terrestrial ecosystems include tropical rain forests, deciduous forests, tundra, deserts, savannahs, grasslands. While in the waters for example is the river ecosystem, lake ecosystem, and swamp ecosystem. The number of ecosystems on earth due to different earth reliefs. This difference is due to the existence of geological energy in the earth.

Geology Energy
Understanding geological energy is the energy that affects the shape of the earth. this energy comes from within and outside the earth. geological energy is divided into two, namely endogenous and exogenous energy. Endogenous energy is energy that comes from within the earth. while exogenous energy is energy that comes from outside the earth's surface. endogenous energy is the initial energy that forms the earth's surface reliefs of land and oceans.

Then exogenous energy can be said as a energy that changes the shape of the earth's surface that has been formed by endogenous energy. Every force in geological energy, has different strengths, but also different ways of being used. But it has the same role, namely as a relief forming the earth's surface.

Endogenous Geology Energy
Geological energy coming from within the earth is called endogenous energy. Endogenous energy comes from the power inside the earth. it causes the earth to break, fold, hollow, or bulge. Endogenous energy is divided into 3 namely, tectonism, seism, and volcanism.

1. Tectonism
Tectonism is the energy that comes from the pressure that exists in the earth, due to geothermal. the heat in the earth comes from the earth's core. This heat pressure, causing the power that suppress the layers of earth rocks. one of the layers of the earth consists of rocks that form the layers of the earth.

Depressed earth layer, will press the layer of earth above it, and in up again, up to the earth's crust. consequently the earth has broken or folds. The fold of the earth is the shape of the face that occurs due to tectonic forces vertical or horizontal, which presses the layer of the earth on the soft, and in a relatively long time. As a result of this energy, causing the skin of the earth to experience wrinkles or creases. Fracture is a form of the face of the earth that occurs due to vertical and horizontal tectonic forces, which suppress the harder layer of the earth's skin, in a relatively fast tempo. This causes the earth's surface to become broken. Movement in tectonism is divided into two namely epirogenesis and orogenesa.

Epirogenesis is a movement that occurs due to a horizontal force. As a result of this energy, causing the land to increase or decrease seen by the coastline. Orogenesa is a movement that causes fractures or creases. On the mainland this movement causes the rise of mountains and valleys, whereas in the oceans cause the formation of mountains in the sea, and sea trenches.

2. Volcanism
Volcanism is the magma movement that is in the earth. magma is the hot liquid that is in the earth. The magma is hot, gets pressure, so the magma moves towards the lower pressure. In the process, the moving magma will cool down. If cooling is in the earth, then it is called magmic intrusion, if outside the earth is called magma extrusion.

Magma can come out through cracks or cracks that exist on the surface of the earth. but magma can also come out through a pipe inside a volcano called as accepted or overalls. The outgoing magma will result in an eruption. The size of the magma eruption depends on the location of the magma kitchen. If the location of the magma kitchen is shallow, then the resulting eruption becomes smaller.

Whereas if the location of deep magma kitchen, then the resulting eruption will be greater. The magma that comes out of the earth is called lava. Lava cools, will form the surface of the earth. one of which is the formation of the plateau. In addition, the basin caused by a large volcanic eruption, can be a lake caldera. Frozen lava can also lead to increasingly sloping or rising mountain relief.

3. Seism
An earthquake is a movement or vibration that occurs on the earth's surface. This vibration occurs due to seismic waves. Seismic waves are waves that occur due to the process of fractures, folds, volcanic eruptions, or magma movements in the earth. seism can also occur due to movement on the earth's plate. the earth's plates are the plates that exist on the earth, and form the bottom of the sea and the land.

Wave on seism is divided into two, namely hiposentrum and episentrum. Hypocentrum is the epicenter of the earthquake. The epicenter of this earthquake occurs in the earth. while the epicenter is the wave of the propagation of the hypocentrum. The farther from the epicenter, the epicenter will become larger, and its strength will be smaller. Epicenter can be regarded as a medium that continues the vibration from the earth to the surface of the earth.

Exogenous Geology Energy
Geological energy from outside the Earth is called exogenous energy. This power utilizes water, wind, or glaciers in the process. The task of wind, water, or glaciers is to bring matter, or to scrape the surface of the earth. As a result of this power, reliefs such as hills, horseshoe lakes, or caves around the shore are formed. Exogenous energy is divided into two, namely sedimentation and erosion.

1. Sedimentation
Sedimentation is the process of deposition of materials by wind, water, and glaciers. This precipitation can happen anywhere. The material carried is a material derived from the erosion or weathering, sand, and gravel. This material is carried by wind, water, and glaciers and then settles.

Any power on sedimentation, capable of forming new reliefs. As an example, sedimentation is done by water, capable of forming lakes, keo and split on the beach. While the sedimentation is done by the wind, it can create sand dunes around beaches and deserts. While sedimentation by glaciers can change the shape of the glacier that originally shaped V to U.

2. Erosion
Erosion is the erosion of the earth's surface by water, wind, and glaciers. This erosion causes changes in the earth's relief. such as the formation of high cliffs around the coast. Caves, or coves. Erosion itself is divided into 4 based on the eroding power. Namely abrasion, ablation, eksarasi, and deflation.

Abrasion is the erosion of the earth's surface by river water. The rushing river water, and continuously hitting the surrounding rock wall, will further erode the rock, thus forming a cliff or waterfall. While ablation is the erosion of the earth's surface by sea water. Moving sea water or waves, hit rocks or cliffs around the coast, causing the cliff to become hollow and form a cave. Exacerbation is the erosion of the earth's surface by glaciers.

This excision occurs due to snow that accumulates and freezes. As a result, the rock that held it was not strong and dropped the snow pile, causing the rock to be eroded. Devlation is erosion by wind. moving winds, carrying gravel, and when met with rocks or cliffs, the winds carrying the pebbles hit, and eroded the surface.

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